Word List

英単語Target1900 1701-1900 mao 2週目

« 前 / 200 語中 51~100番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
His speech was intended to (そらす) attention from the problems divert - - -
He felt (目まいがした) with the heat dizzy - - -
She found truth in the (教義 s) of the religion doctrine - - -
All living creatures are (運命にある ed) to die in the end doom - - -
I used to (ひどく恐れている) going to the dentist dread - - -
He calmly endured the interviewers (馬鹿げた) questions dumb - - -
We made a contract with a five year (継続期間) with the company duration - - -
Her (まじめな) efforts resulted in a major medical discovery earnest - - -
The man sat on the balcony to wait for the solar (日食、月食) eclipse - - -
You are (適格である) for salary increase based on your performance eligible - - -
A really (雄弁な) speaker keeps the audience interested eloquent - - -
They have (乗り出した、搭乗する ed) on a mission embark - - -
If you are in danger abroad contact your countrys (大使館) embassy - - -
Smartphones are deeply (組み込まれている ded) in our dairy lives embed - - -
The law must (具現する) the concept of justice embody - - -
The strategy (伴う s) great risk entail - - -
They have (建てた ed) high concrete walls erect - - -
Deforestration will lead to soil (浸食)森林破壊 erosion - - -
He had to run an (お使い) for his mother errand - - -
If the volcano (噴火する s) erupt - - -
He went into (亡命) to another country exile - - -
He was (追放された led) from the country expel - - -
She found that her passport was about to (期限が切れた) expire - - -
There are many popular (誤った考え ies) about dieting fallacy - - -
She accomplished a (偉業) of winning three championships in a row3回連続して feat - - -
The land is (肥沃な) enough to grow various crop on fertile - - -
He (持ってきて ed) the dishes from the kitchen fetch - - -
The banner was (はためいている ing) in the wind flap - - -
Her face was (紅潮していた ed) with embarrassment flush - - -
It is illegal to (偽造する、鍛造する)a passport forge - - -
Trade imbalances caused (不和) btw America and Mexico friction - - -
She was (激怒した) at his rude behavior furious - - -
British people tend to (備え付ける) their rooms with large mirrors furnish - - -
He published a book on Euclidean (幾何学) geometry - - -
He has caused trouble by his (強欲) for money greed - - -
The energy strage revolution will improve the electricity (供給網) grid - - -
嫌がらせハラスメント harassment - - -
(幽霊などが出る、つきまとう) haunt - - -
Sheep are fed on (干し草) grown on this farm hay - - -
Many people still smoke despite the health (危険性) of cigarettes hazard - - -
Her lack of experience (妨げた ed) her from finding a good job hinder - - -
I am learning the (全体論の) approach holistic - - -
It is hot and (湿気が多い) in Tokyo in summer humid - - -
The garden is (照らされている d) by rows of LED lights illuminate - - -
Frequent use of smartphones may (損なう) normal brain function impair - - -
Her words contained an (暗黙の) understanding of our decision implicit - - -
The children were (注射した ed) with the flu vaccine inject - - -
Customs officers (点検する) baggage of travelers inspect - - -
This manual is written in (分かりやすい) terms言葉 intelligible - - -
The teacher emphasizes the (本質的な) value of education intrinsic - - -

« 前 / 200 語中 51~100番目 / 次 »
