20 語中 1~20番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
実は、僕たちは昨日別れたんだ | As a matter of fact we broke up yesterday. | - | - | - |
この小包を注意して運びなさい | Carry this parcel with care. | - | - | - |
急いで朝食を食べ終えなさい | Finish your breakfast in haste. | - | - | - |
当分の間気味の小遣いは1ヶ月50ドルだ | For the time being your allowance is 50 dollars a month. | - | - | - |
彼は余生を故郷の村で気楽に過ごした | He spent his rest of life at ease in his native village. | - | - | - |
彼は時々私に手紙を書いてくる | He writes to me once in a while. | - | - | - |
私はどうにか会議に間に合った | I managed to be in time for the meeting. | - | - | - |
私は家に帰る途中で見知らぬ人に出くわした | I saw a stranger on my way home. | - | - | - |
時々君に会うのを楽しみにしていますよ | I'm looking forward to seeing you now and then. | - | - | - |
とにかく困っているときは私に頼ってもらって良いですよ | In any case you can rely on me when in trouble. | - | - | - |
日本の電車は普通時間通りに来る | Japanese trains usually come on time. | - | - | - |
母は特価で新しいドレスを買った | My mother bought a new dress on sale. | - | - | - |
人々はとにかくテロに対して戦わなければならない | People must fight against terrorism at any rate. | - | - | - |
彼女は結局料理をすべて食べた | She after all ate up the entire dish. | - | - | - |
彼女は病気の母親を時々訪ねた | She visited her sick mother from time to time. | - | - | - |
犯人は牢屋から容易に逃げた | The criminal got away from the jail with ease. | - | - | - |
現在のところ、エイズに対する治療法がない | There is no cure for AIDS at present. | - | - | - |
トムは間違えて違うバスに乗った | Tom took the wrong bus by mistake. | - | - | - |
いったい彼女は何を言いたいんだ | What in the world does she want to say? | - | - | - |
いったい君はどこにいたんだい | Where on earth were you? | - | - | - |
20 語中 1~20番目