Word List

英単語 歴史① 日本史

27 語中 1~27番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
Bushido武士道 Bushido - - -
ancient tomb古墳 ancient tomb - - -
armorよろいかぶと armor - - -
armor-clad warrior鎧武者 armor-clad warrior - - -
daimyo's mansion大名屋敷 daimyo's mansion - - -
daimyo's procession大名行列 daimyo's procession - - -
farmer-soldier屯田兵 farmer-soldier - - -
feudal lord大名 feudal lord - - -
government by the shogunate幕府政治 government by the shogunate - - -
national isolation鎖国 national isolation - - -
official of the shogunate幕府の役人 official of the shogunate - - -
peasant uprising百姓一揆 peasant uprising - - -
ritual suicide切腹 ritual suicide - - -
shogun将軍 shogun - - -
sword刀 sword - - -
the Amakusa Revolt天草の乱 the Amakusa Revolt - - -
the Battle of Sekigahara関ヶ原の戦い the Battle of Sekigahara - - -
the Black Ships黒船 the Black Ships - - -
the Dog Shogun犬公方 the Dog Shogun - - -
the Edo Shogunate江戸幕府 the Edo Shogunate - - -
the Edo period江戸時代 the Edo period - - -
the Onin War応仁の乱 the Onin War - - -
the Tumulus period古墳時代 the Tumulus period - - -
the Warring States period戦国時代 the Warring States period - - -
the flowering of civilization文明開化 the flowering of civilization - - -
the shogunate幕府 the shogunate - - -
warrior武士 warrior - - -

27 語中 1~27番目
