90 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
Charles I is put to death in 1649共和制になる | Charles I is put to death in 1649 | - | - | - |
Columbus arrives at San Salvador Island in 1492 | Columbus arrives at San Salvador Island in 1492 | - | - | - |
Cortes defeated the Aztec Empire in 1521 | Cortes defeated the Aztec Empire in 1521 | - | - | - |
Cro-Magnon man used bones tools for cave drawingsクロマニョン人(新人)骨角器で洞穴壁画を描く | Cro-Magnon man used bones tools for cave drawings | - | - | - |
Cuneiform script楔形文字 | Cuneiform script | - | - | - |
Delian League was formed with Athens its leaderアテネ盟主のデロス同盟 | Delian League was formed with Athens its leader | - | - | - |
Ecclesia is citizen's assemblies古代ギリシアの民会 | Ecclesia is citizen's assemblies | - | - | - |
Egypt led by Ptolemaiosプトレマイオス朝エジプト | Egypt led by Ptolemaios | - | - | - |
Hieroglyphsヒエログリフ | Hieroglyphs | - | - | - |
Hugh Capet established the Capetian Dynastyカペー朝 | Hugh Capet established the Capetian Dynasty | - | - | - |
Islamic Mosqueイスラム教のモスク | Islamic Mosque | - | - | - |
Macedonia led by Antigonusアンティゴノス朝マケドニア | Macedonia led by Antigonus | - | - | - |
Martin Luther publishes The Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 | Martin Luther publishes The Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 | - | - | - |
Mesopotamiaメソポタミア | Mesopotamia | - | - | - |
Muawiya established the Umayyad Caliphateウマイヤ朝 | Muawiya established the Umayyad Caliphate | - | - | - |
Napoleon became emperor in 1804 | Napoleon became emperor in 1804 | - | - | - |
Octavianus defeated Anthonius in the Battle of Actiumアクティウム海戦 | Octavianus defeated Anthonius in the Battle of Actium | - | - | - |
Ostrogoths and Visigoths東ゴート人と西ゴート人 | Ostrogoths and Visigoths | - | - | - |
Pizarro defeated the Inca Empire in 1533 | Pizarro defeated the Inca Empire in 1533 | - | - | - |
Queen Cleopatra killed herself女王クレオパトラが自殺 | Queen Cleopatra killed herself | - | - | - |
Rome defeated Carthage in the Punic Warポエニ戦争でローマがカルタゴを倒す | Rome defeated Carthage in the Punic War | - | - | - |
Russia issued The Emancipation Reform in 1861農奴解放令 | Russia issued The Emancipation Reform in 1861 | - | - | - |
Semitic Akkadiansセム系アッカド人 | Semitic Akkadians | - | - | - |
Sumerian peopleシュメール人 | Sumerian people | - | - | - |
Syria led by Seleucusセレウコス朝シリア | Syria led by Seleucus | - | - | - |
The Ottoman Empire destroyed the Byzantine Empire in 1453 | The Ottoman Empire destroyed the Byzantine Empire in 1453 | - | - | - |
The War of the Roses broke out in 1455ばら戦争 | The War of the Roses broke out in 1455 | - | - | - |
Vandal kingdom in North Africa北アフリカのヴァンダル王国 | Vandal kingdom in North Africa | - | - | - |
Vasco da Gama made it to India in 1498 | Vasco da Gama made it to India in 1498 | - | - | - |
Wat Tyler's revoltワット=タイラーの乱 | Wat Tyler's revolt | - | - | - |
Western civilization西洋文明 | Western civilization | - | - | - |
World War I第一次世界大戦 | World War I | - | - | - |
World War II第二次世界大戦 | World War II | - | - | - |
ancient civilization古代文明 | ancient civilization | - | - | - |
ape-man use stone tools猿人が打製石器を使用 | ape-man use stone tools | - | - | - |
colony植民地 | colony | - | - | - |
early humans 旧人 | early humans | - | - | - |
feudal system封建制度 | feudal system | - | - | - |
from hunter gatherer economy to the production economy獲得経済から生産経済へ | from hunter gatherer economy to the production economy | - | - | - |
greco-persian warsペルシア戦争 | greco-persian wars | - | - | - |
hunter gatherer society in the Old Stone Age旧石器時代の狩猟採集生活 | hunter gatherer society in the Old Stone Age | - | - | - |
masonry technologies in Inca インカの石造建築の技術 | masonry technologies in Inca | - | - | - |
people's revolution市民革命 | people's revolution | - | - | - |
polished stone tools in the Neolithic Period新石器時代の磨製石器 | polished stone tools in the Neolithic Period | - | - | - |
primitive man use fire and language原人が火と言語を使用 | primitive man use fire and language | - | - | - |
stone axes and stone mortars are polished stone tools石斧と石臼は磨製石器だ | stone axes and stone mortars are polished stone tools | - | - | - |
the Abbasid Caliphateアッバース朝 | the Abbasid Caliphate | - | - | - |
the American War of Independence in 1775アメリカ独立戦争 | the American War of Independence in 1775 | - | - | - |
the Arabic numeralsアラビア数字 | the Arabic numerals | - | - | - |
the Assyrian kingdomアッシリア王国 | the Assyrian kingdom | - | - | - |
90 語中 1~50番目 / 次 »