Word List

英単語 歴史② 世界史

« 前 / 90 語中 51~90番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
the Battle of Tours broke out in 732トゥールポワティエ間の戦い the Battle of Tours broke out in 732 - - -
the Bill of rights was enacted in 1689権利の章典 the Bill of rights was enacted in 1689 - - -
the Boston Tea Party occurred in America in 1773ボストン茶会事件 the Boston Tea Party occurred in America in 1773 - - -
the Code of Hammurabiハンムラビ法典 the Code of Hammurabi - - -
the Congress of Vienna was held in 1814ウィーン会議 the Congress of Vienna was held in 1814 - - -
the Crimean War broke out in 1853クリミア戦争 the Crimean War broke out in 1853 - - -
the Estate General三部会(聖職者・貴族・平民の代表が集まる) the Estate General - - -
the Fatimid Caliphate of Shiahシーア派ファーティマ朝 the Fatimid Caliphate of Shiah - - -
the French Revolutionフランス革命 the French Revolution - - -
the French Revolution began in 1789 the French Revolution began in 1789 - - -
the Glorious Revolution名誉革命 the Glorious Revolution - - -
the Glorious Revolution occurred in 1688名誉革命 the Glorious Revolution occurred in 1688 - - -
the Hellenistic eraヘレニズム時代 the Hellenistic era - - -
the House of Lords and the House of Commons上院(聖職者・貴族)と下院(州・都市の代表) the House of Lords and the House of Commons - - -
the Hundred Years War started in 1339百年戦争 the Hundred Years War started in 1339 - - -
the Indus River and the Yellow Riverインダス川と黄河 the Indus River and the Yellow River - - -
the Industrial Revolution産業革命 the Industrial Revolution - - -
the Jacquerie's revoltジャックリーの乱 the Jacquerie's revolt - - -
the Ming dynasty明朝 the Ming dynasty - - -
the Paintings of Lascauxラスコーの壁画 the Paintings of Lascaux - - -
the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Spartaペロポネソス戦争 the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta - - -
the Persian Achaemenid Empireアケメネス朝ペルシア the Persian Achaemenid Empire - - -
the Reformation宗教改革 the Reformation - - -
the Renaissanceルネッサンス the Renaissance - - -
the Roman Empireローマ帝国 the Roman Empire - - -
the Roman Empire was divided into 2 in 395 the Roman Empire was divided into 2 in 395 - - -
the Sanate元老院 the Sanate - - -
the Umayyad family established the Caliphate of Cordoba後ウマイヤ朝 the Umayyad family established the Caliphate of Cordoba - - -
the Yangtze River長江 the Yangtze River - - -
the allied forces of Media and Neo-Babyloniaメディアと新バビロニアの連合軍 the allied forces of Media and Neo-Babylonia - - -
the base ten number system 10進法 the base ten number system - - -
the colonial period植民地時代 the colonial period - - -
the concept of zeroゼロの概念 the concept of zero - - -
the first Crusades were sent in 1096十字軍 the first Crusades were sent in 1096 - - -
the first dynasty of Babylonバビロン第一王朝 the first dynasty of Babylon - - -
the ice age氷河時代 the ice age - - -
the lunar calender太陰暦 the lunar calender - - -
the semitic amorite peopleセム系アムル人 the semitic amorite people - - -
the solar calender太陽暦 the solar calender - - -
the western roman empire is destroyed in 476 the western roman empire is destroyed in 476 - - -

« 前 / 90 語中 51~90番目
