« 前 / 97 語中 51~97番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
fulfills the demand of the stakeholders利害関係者の要求を満たす | fulfills the demand of the stakeholders | - | - | - |
general partnership company合名会社 | general partnership company | - | - | - |
human rights人権 | human rights | - | - | - |
in contrast. the prices can rise 反対に | in contrast. the prices can rise | - | - | - |
leave a party党を離脱する | leave a party | - | - | - |
limited partnership company and limited liability company合資会社・合同会社 | limited partnership company and limited liability company | - | - | - |
lose power政権を失う | lose power | - | - | - |
mergers and acquisition買収・合併 | mergers and acquisition | - | - | - |
minimum capitalization requirement最低限に必要な資本金 | minimum capitalization requirement | - | - | - |
requirement was brought down to 1yen要求が1円に減った | minimum capitalization requirement | - | - | - |
multiple companies combine operations複数企業が経営を結合 | multiple companies combine operations | - | - | - |
mutual shareholding株式持ち合い | mutual shareholding | - | - | - |
once a scandal breaks一度不祥事が起こると | once a scandal breaks | - | - | - |
pass a bill法案を可決する | pass a bill | - | - | - |
people group together人が1つに集まる | people group together | - | - | - |
private company limited by shares (Ltd)株式会社 | private company limited by shares | - | - | - |
quest for profit 利益の追求 | quest for profit | - | - | - |
reflect the opinions of the stockholders株主の意見を反映 | reflect the opinions of the stockholders | - | - | - |
reject a bill法案を否決する | reject a bill | - | - | - |
sell shares when the price goes up higher and gain a profit | sell shares when the price goes up higher and gain | - | - | - |
share is a unit of ownership株式所有者の単位 | share is a unit of ownership | - | - | - |
share represents an equal proportion of company's capital株式は均等な割合 | share represents an equal proportion of company's capital | - | - | - |
start a ten-day electoral campaign 10日間の選挙戦に入る | start a ten-day electoral campaign | - | - | - |
statements about the management経営についての発言 | statements about the management | - | - | - |
stockholder entrust management of company to directors | stockholder entrust management of company to directors | - | - | - |
stockholder own the company stock | stockholder own the company stock | - | - | - |
stockholders invest the company株主が会社に出資 | stockholders invest the company | - | - | - |
stockholders who owns 51% can control the company | stockholders who owns 51 can control the company | - | - | - |
stump遊説する | stump | - | - | - |
system which management is observed経営が監視される制度 | system which management is observed | - | - | - |
the Commercial Code were revised従来の商法が改正された | the Commercial Code were revised | - | - | - |
the absorbed company and the acquiring company吸収される側と買収側 | the absorbed company and the acquiring company | - | - | - |
the majority of the shares株の過半数 | the majority of the shares | - | - | - |
the management team経営陣 | the management team | - | - | - |
the merit of mutual shareholding is as follows | the merit of mutual shareholding is as follows | - | - | - |
the minimum board members required最低限に必要な取締役 | the minimum board members required | - | - | - |
the new Companies Act会社法 | the new Companies Act | - | - | - |
the number of M and A is decreasing | the number of M and A is decreasing | - | - | - |
the performance of the company declines会社の業績が下がる | the performance of the company declines | - | - | - |
the principal and the interest元本と利息 | the principal and the interest | - | - | - |
the process of buying stock is called a tender offer | the process of buying stock is called a tender offer | - | - | - |
the responsibility borne by the board members取締役が負う責任 | the responsibility borne by the board members | - | - | - |
the stock is listed on a stock exchange株が上場されている | the stock is listed on a stock exchange | - | - | - |
to prevent injustice不正を防ぐ | to prevent injustice | - | - | - |
trade the shares through brokerage firms証券会社を通じて株式売買 | trade the shares through brokerage firms | - | - | - |
unless they are concurrently a board member役員を兼任してない限り | unless they are concurrently a board member | - | - | - |
vote on resolution in the shareholders株主決議で投票する | vote on resolution in the shareholders | - | - | - |
« 前 / 97 語中 51~97番目