Word List

英単語 経済・金融①

« 前 / 72 語中 51~72番目

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
production index生産指数 production index - - -
profit from the strong yen円高差益 profit from the strong yen - - -
replacement demand買替需要 replacement demand - - -
rise in the exchange rate為替の騰貴 rise in the exchange rate - - -
stable growth安定成長 stable growth - - -
strong yen and weak dollar円高ドル安 strong yen and weak dollar - - -
strong yen rate円高 strong yen rate - - -
supply供給 supply - - -
supply-demand relationship需給関係 supply-demand relationship - - -
the Bank of Japan日本銀行 the Bank of Japan - - -
the Consumers Union of Japan日本消費者連盟 the Consumers Union of Japan - - -
the Foreign Exchange Control Law為替管理法 the Foreign Exchange Control Law - - -
the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry日本商工会議所 the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry - - -
the New York Stock Exchangeニューヨーク証券取引所 the New York Stock Exchange - - -
the Tokyo Stock Exchange東京証券取引所 the Tokyo Stock Exchange - - -
the gross domestic product国内総生産 the gross domestic product - - -
the gross national expenditure国民総支出 the gross national expenditure - - -
the gross national product国民総生産 the gross national product - - -
the inflation-adjusted economic growth実質経済成長率 the inflation-adjusted economic growth - - -
the international balance of payment国際収支 the international balance of payment - - -
the nominal economic growth rate名目経済成長率 the nominal economic growth rate - - -
tight-money policy金融引き締め政策 tight-money policy - - -

« 前 / 72 語中 51~72番目
