Word List

英単語 経済・金融②

« 前 / 121 語中 51~100番目 / 次 »

問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
employee salaries rise employee salaries rise - - -
estimated by production approach生産面から推計される estimated by production approach - - -
expand in size規模を拡大する expand in size - - -
expansion of production expansion of production - - -
flour mills製粉業者 flour mills - - -
form a complex wave-shape複雑な波を形成する form a complex wave-shape - - -
get haircuts at the shop get haircuts at the shop - - -
government shouldn't interfere with the market government shouldn't interfere with the market - - -
gross domestic product is one of the economic indexes gross domestic product is one of the economic indexes - - -
growth rate varies according to the size of the economy growth rate varies according to the size of the economy - - -
households earn income by providing labor家計は労働力を出し収入を得る households earn income by providing labor - - -
how inflation influences the productive activitiesインフレの影響 how inflation influences the productive activities - - -
individual economic activity serves to profit all of society individual economic activity serves to profit all of society - - -
inflation is an economic phenomenon inflation is an economic phenomenon - - -
interest rate and inflation rate預金金利と物価上昇率 interest rate and inflation rate - - -
invisible hand explained by Adam Smith神の見えざる手 invisible hand explained by Adam Smith - - -
invisible hand is term used in 'The Wealth of Nations' invisible hand is term used in 'The Wealth of Nations - - -
involuntarily led by an invisible hand無意識に導かれる involuntarily led by an invisible hand - - -
iron-ore and crude oil鉄鉱石や原油 iron-ore and crude oil - - -
macroeconomics is the branch that analyze B macroeconomics is the branch that analyze B - - -
macroeconomics is used to introduce effective policies macroeconomics is used to introduce effective policies - - -
major cause of inflation is government's issuing money major cause of inflation is government's issuing money - - -
make the deflation worseデフレを悪化させる make the deflation worse - - -
manufacturing process of the commodity manufacturing process of the commodity - - -
market doctrine isn't entirely to be trusted完全に信頼できるわけではない market doctrine isn't entirely to be trusted - - -
materials and fuel材料と燃料 materials and fuel - - -
materials such as iron-ore and crude oil materials such as iron-ore and crude oil - - -
money is increasing in value money is increasing in value - - -
noodle companies製麺会社 noodle companies - - -
obtain services in our daily lives obtain services in our daily lives - - -
on this basisこれを基に on this basis - - -
overheated economy景気の過熱 overheated economy - - -
pause景気の中だるみ pause - - -
people purchase more things people purchase more things - - -
people spend less money people spend less money - - -
phenomenon where the price of commodities continues to rise phenomenon where the price of commodities continues to rise - - -
predicts the future economic conditions predicts the future economic conditions - - -
principle of equivalent of 3 aspects 3面等価の原則 principle of equivalent of 3 aspects - - -
recession景気後退 recession - - -
recession and decrease of shipments出荷の減少 recession and decrease of shipments - - -
recession caused by many factors複合不況 recession caused by many factors - - -
recession caused by the strong yen円高不況 recession caused by the strong yen - - -
reduce tax revenue and issue a deficit bond減税し赤字国債を発行 reduce tax revenue and issue a deficit bond - - -
remain competitive競争力を保つ remain competitive - - -
rise of economic conditions rise of economic conditions - - -
short cycle and long cycle short cycle and long cycle - - -
slump不景気 slump - - -
stagnation景気の停滞 stagnation - - -
statistical data such as GDP 統計資料 statistical data such as GDP - - -
structural recession構造不況 structural recession - - -

« 前 / 121 語中 51~100番目 / 次 »
