« 前 / 200 語中 151~200番目
問題 | 解答▲ | 出題数 | 習得度 | 苦手度 |
怖がることはないのよ | There's no need to be afraid. | - | - | - |
いくらなんでも(彼に)そんなこと聞けないよ | There's no way I can ask him that. | - | - | - |
ケチっていい加減な仕事をする必要はなかったんだろうね | They didn't have to cut corners..I guess. | - | - | - |
(彼らのせいで)気が変になりそう! | They're driving me crazy! | - | - | - |
(お店では)お金をだまし取ろうとしたり、吹っかけようとすることはありません | They're not going to try to steal your money or rip you off. | - | - | - |
よく考えてからやりなよ | Think twice before you do it. | - | - | - |
この辺は詳しくないんです | This area isn't familiar to me. | - | - | - |
笑ってる場合じゃないよ | This is not a time for laughing. | - | - | - |
水と空気をもっときれいに保つことが出来たはずです | We could have kept the water and air cleaner. | - | - | - |
彼について何も新しいことはなかったわ | We didn't discover anything new about him at all. | - | - | - |
私たちまさにぎりぎりで到着しましたね | We got here just in the nick of time. | - | - | - |
少し時間をつぶさないと | We have some time to kill. | - | - | - |
最初から(ゼロから)始めなければならない | We have to start from scratch. | - | - | - |
氷がもういくらか必要かもしれないね | We may need some more ice. | - | - | - |
とてもハワイらしい物がいいのですが | We'd like something very Hawaiian. | - | - | - |
とりあえずビール | We'll start with beer. | - | - | - |
私たちは性格が合わないんです | We're not compatible. | - | - | - |
なんて面倒なことだ | What a nuisance. | - | - | - |
それを聞いてほっとした! | What a relief it is to hear that! | - | - | - |
何をお持ちしましょうか? | What can I get you? | - | - | - |
金曜日に予定入ってる? | What have you got scheduled for Friday? | - | - | - |
8時ではなく10時に会うのはどうですか? | What if we meet at 10 instead of 8? | - | - | - |
何か(彼に)アドバイスはない? | What kind of advice could you give him? | - | - | - |
すごく盛り上がってるけどどうしたの? | What's all the excitement about? | - | - | - |
済んだことはしかたない | What's done is done. | - | - | - |
土曜日の天気予報は? | What's the weather for Saturday? | - | - | - |
英語を話す時緊張しちゃうんです | When it comes to speaking English..I get nervous. | - | - | - |
僕はいつでもいいよ | Whenever you want is OK. | - | - | - |
その知らせはどこから聞いたんだ? | Where did you get that news from? | - | - | - |
先手必勝 | Whoever strikes first wins. | - | - | - |
土曜日の夜、テキサス・ロードハウスで落ち合いませんか? | Why don't we meet up at Texas Road House on Saturday evening? | - | - | - |
一応(彼に)聞いてみたら? | Why don't you try asking him? | - | - | - |
試してみたらどう? | Why don't you try it? | - | - | - |
ご一緒にいかがですか? | Would you like to join me? | - | - | - |
ファスナーを閉めてくれる? | Would you mind zipping me in? | - | - | - |
好きなだけとっていいですよ | You can take as many as you want. | - | - | - |
今日は向かい風だね | You have to hit into the wind today. | - | - | - |
今まさにそれを言おうと思ってたところなのに | You took the words right out of my mouth. | - | - | - |
まあ、そのうち分かるよ | You wait and see. | - | - | - |
知らないほうがいいわよ | You're better off not knowing. | - | - | - |
こういう仕事でいいなあ | You're lucky that you have this job. | - | - | - |
あなたは人を見る目がない | You're not good at judging people. | - | - | - |
本当に助かりました | You've been really helpful. | - | - | - |
お前もまだまだだな | You've got a long way to go. | - | - | - |
あなたの計画は裏目に出るかも知れない | Your plan may backfire. | - | - | - |
浴衣が裏返しだよ | Your yukata is on inside out. | - | - | - |
安い 簡単な方法をとっていい加減に何かする | cut corners | - | - | - |
彼らのすぐ目の前 | right in front of them | - | - | - |
でも、彼女は元気いっぱいでした | still..she was in very high spirits. | - | - | - |
まあ念のためにね(-what'll happenが続くようなニュアンス) | well..you never know. | - | - | - |
« 前 / 200 語中 151~200番目