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問題 解答 出題数 習得度 苦手度
思ったより時間がかかっちゃった It took more time than I'd expected. - - -
怖がることはないのよ There's no need to be afraid. - - -
心の中に何があるか読み取れません I can't make out what's inside the heart. - - -
彼女は飲み込みが早い She's quick on the uptake. - - -
彼女が行ったことに左右されるな Don't let what she said affect you. - - -
彼らのすぐ目の前 right in front of them - - -
彼は私がいて当然としか思ってないようです I feel like he's taking me for granted. - - -
彼は最近丸くなった He has mellowed out recently. - - -
彼は地方政治でキャリアをスタートしました He got his started in local politics. - - -
彼はワインの違いがよくわかる He has very discriminating taste in wine. - - -
彼はいい意味で押しが強い He's forceful..but in a good way. - - -
彼の話にはちょっと無理があった His story was a little farfetched. - - -
彼について何も新しいことはなかったわ We didn't discover anything new about him at all. - - -
彼がもっと早く来てたらもっと楽しかっただろうな If he had come earlier..it would have been more fun. - - -
当ててごらん Take a guess. - - -
嵐になりそうだ It looks like a storm is coming. - - -
少し時間をつぶさないと We have some time to kill. - - -
家を借りるのが大抵のマンハッタンの人にとっては普通のことです Renting is the norm of most Manhattanites. - - -
安い 簡単な方法をとっていい加減に何かする cut corners - - -
好みはうるさくない。雑種犬でも十分うれしいよ I'm not choosy. I'd be just as happy with a mutt. - - -
好きなだけとっていいですよ You can take as many as you want. - - -
大切にします I'll treasure it. - - -
大体この時期に家族でパーティを開く There is a family party around this time of year. - - -
夢が実現することって本当にあるんだ! Talk about dreams coming true! - - -
土曜日の天気予報は? What's the weather for Saturday? - - -
土曜日の夜、テキサス・ロードハウスで落ち合いませんか? Why don't we meet up at Texas Road House on Saturday evening? - - -
君によく似合うよ It looks great on you. - - -
全て計算済みです I've got it all worked out. - - -
全ての計画がおじゃんになった The whole plan went up in smoke. - - -
全てのことへのあなたの対応はとても立派でした I want to commend you on the way you handled everything. - - -
先手必勝 Whoever strikes first wins. - - -
僕も同じことを考えていたところだよ I was wondering the same thing. - - -
僕はいつでもいいよ Whenever you want is OK. - - -
信じられないほど簡単だった It was incredibly easy. - - -
何をお持ちしましょうか? What can I get you? - - -
何か言おうと思ったんだけど何を考えてたんだっけな I was going to say something..but I just lost my train of thought. - - -
何かあったら言ってね Please let me know what I can do for you. - - -
何か(彼に)アドバイスはない? What kind of advice could you give him? - - -
似合うかしら? How do I look? - - -
仕事が趣味でもあるという人がうらやましいよ I envy people whose jobs are also their hobbies. - - -
今晩泊まれますか? Do you have any rooms available for tonight? - - -
今日一日が無駄になってしまいますからね The day's a wasting. - - -
今日は曇りそうだ It's supposed to be cloudy today. - - -
今日は寒くなるよ It's going to be cold today. - - -
今日は向かい風だね You have to hit into the wind today. - - -
今回だけね Just this once. - - -
今まさにそれを言おうと思ってたところなのに You took the words right out of my mouth. - - -
今はリックと同じくらい重いんだ I'm as heavy as Rick now. - - -
今の仕事についてあまり悩まなくなったよ I've come to worry less about my current job. - - -
今のままでいれば迷子になることはないよ Stay as you are..and you shall never lose your way again. - - -

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